Our team at Cedaron Medical is pleased to announce today that we are now an authorized vendor for the American Heart Association’s premier registry for acute myocardial infarction, the Get With The Guidelines®-Coronary Artery Disease (GWTG-CAD) registry.
For more than 20 years, Cedaron’s one focus has been ensuring that busy medical professionals can manage their patient data and get crucial analytics with minimal time and labor.
To that end, Cedaron’s CardiacCare software acts as a bridge between cardiology caregivers and numerous registries, and we’ve also built in a program that allows individual clients to evaluate their own patient outcomes. We call this program Cento Analytics.
With CardiacCare, caregivers have a single intelligent platform that saves time, reduces costs and reduces errors. Cedaron has now added the American Heart Association’s GWTG-CAD registry to this suite.
Our CEO, Karen Bond, said: “We’re excited to give our clients the opportunity to report to the American Heart Association’s registry because we have seen vast improvements in patient outcomes as more data from registries has become available for study.”
Every year, about 790,000 Americans have a heart attack, or myocardial infarction, because a portion of their hearts do not receive the needed blood flow. Clinical data registries make evidence-based medicine possible by collecting and evaluating patient outcomes from dozens of institutions. With this data, medical professionals and others can assess quality of care, efficacy of treatments, comparable performance and more.
“At Cedaron, we think access to data is crucial,” said Cedaron chief scientist Malcolm Bond, “so we include Cento Analytics software in the CardiacCare suite. Each of our clients can study the patient data they send to multiple registries. That way, they can quickly see any issues and make improvements.”
Cedaron Medical was founded in 1990, and since that time, we’ve worked relentlessly to develop software that provides the evidence-based data that medical professionals need to improve patient outcomes.
The company launched with the idea of creating a robotics product to improve outcomes in hand therapy and hand surgery. That concept won a NASA Small Business Innovation Research Grant and still fuels our vision to greatly improve documentation in the specialties of rehabilitation, cardiology and workers compensation.
Cedaron’s founders — Karen Bond, Dr. Malcolm Bond and Gary Engle — still run the company, and our team now serves a global list of clients ranging from large healthcare institutions to solo practices.
Cedaron. Let us help you calm the storm.