Cedaron has developed powerful software that allows physical therapists to spend more time on patients and improve their standard of care.
With Cedaron CONNECT, your staff will be able to instantaneously see how effective various treatment regimens are for injuries because our software connects with the comprehensive Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry being developed by the American Physical Therapy Association.
This registry arrives at a crucial time for this industry. In 2019, physical therapists will begin participating in Medicare’s Merit-based Incentive Payment System, or MIPS. Payments then will be based on evidence and quality data.
As I noted in a blog post yesterday, the Cedaron team has been through the registry process before with cardiologists and thoracic surgeons, and we developed software so effective that nine major software developers — ASCEND, AGFA, Cerner, Digisonics Fuji, McKesson, Merge, Philips, and ScImage — now offer Cedaron’s CardiacCare & Cento Analytics as their preferred Registry software.
In order to pair our software with so many systems, Cedaron’s software engineers had to become adept at building seamless interfaces. We now bring that expertise to our CONNECT product. That’s why chief information officers love us.
Now let me share a few reasons why our software also has won favor with physical therapists, chief executive officers and chief finance officers.
We have automated many processes, so PT departments need less administrative staff and physical therapists can cut documentation time to a minimum.
Here’s one example: As you know, some EHR companies issue a new account number for patients every 30 days. That’s works out fine when it’s a surgery that keeps a patient in the hospital for only a few days.
But physical therapy can last six weeks or more. If that new account number isn’t put into a PT patient’s record at the end of the month, that can significantly slow down reimbursements. Our software automatically looks for these new account numbers and adds them to the record. That’s something you won’t get from our competitors.
And, in another time-saving feature unique to our software, Cedaron CONNECT automatically feeds information to APTA’s Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry as it is entered. Your staff won’t have to enter data over and again, and your organization doesn’t need to pay to have an interface developed.
When you add the simplicity and functionality of Cedaron’s CONNECT software together with the robust data on the APTA’s Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry, you begin to see the power of technology that works for you. Physical therapists finally will be able to make the case for the viability of their treatment regimen versus more invasive or potentially addictive options.
Already, our clients in hospitals and private practice have told us that Cedaron’s CONNECT software has helped them achieve:
—A 36.2 percent reduction in documentation time.
—A 23.5 percent reduction in administrative staffing.
—Significant reduction or complete elimination of denied claims.
—An increase of 250 patient visits, per therapist, per year.
Feel free to call us at (800) 424-1007 for a demonstration of CONNECT. Or click here to schedule it online.