Please view our Frequently Asked Questions


Go to Settings > NCDR Maintenance. “Select” update and repeat for each registry.  
No, just update one and the others will also be updated.
We do not perform the update for you. You can easily update them in CardiacCare. Once you get a notification to update your data dictionary or dynamic lists, you can navigate to NCDR Maintenance under Settings and select Update.

If you select your username at the top right-hand corner of the CardiacCare application, you will see your user information and all the permissions you have access to. If there is a check next to the line item, you have that permission.
To change your permissions, please contact your system administrator, as they are in charge of the AD groups.
No, views in CardiacCare are a way to see a filtered portion of a data form. A view does not create a separate data form. If a field is filled out on a specific view, it will be filled out on the complete data form. A view only limits what fields are currently visible, to help streamline data entry for different workflows.
Yes, AUC is aligned to Metric 34 – as well as other Metrics, listed here: • CathPCI v5 - Metric 30. PCI Procedures Not Classifiable for AUC Reporting (All Patient Presentations) • CathPCI v5 - Metric 31. PCI Procedures that were evaluated as Appropriate (PCI Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes) • CathPCI v5 - Metric 31. PCI Procedures that were evaluated as Appropriate (PCI Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes) Mon Health • CathPCI v5 - Metric 32. PCI Procedures that were evaluated as May Be Appropriate (PCI Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes) • CathPCI v5 - Metric 33. PCI Procedures that were evaluated as Rarely Appropriate (PCI Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes) • CathPCI v5 - Metric 34. PCI Procedures that were evaluated as Appropriate (PCI Patients with Stable Ischemic Heart Disease) • CathPCI v5 - Metric 35. PCI Procedures that were evaluated as May Be Appropriate (PCI Patients with Stable Ischemic Heart Disease) • CathPCI v5 - Metric 36. PCI Procedures that were evaluated as Rarely Appropriate (PCI Patients with Stable Ischemic Heart Disease) AUC computes the Indications & Appropriateness – which is then aligned (or placed) – in one of the Metrics mentioned above.
Data is automatically saved within the data form. For example, if your computer were to lose power, your data form would save up until the last textbox you inputted information in.
Please use the combined form (STS + CCORP) for all cases. Only records where the field Type of CABG [CABG Type] is answered will be harvested for a CCORP submission. If the STS field CAB [2120: OpCAB] is answered "No", then Type of CABG [CABG Type] will not be visible to be answered and therefore the record will not be eligible for CCORP harvest.
Three seconds is the default that comes with the product, but this setting can be changed by the organization. One second is the minimum. There is no maximum, but we advise not to go beyond 3 seconds.
You can delete an episode or visit within any episode on the top right-hand side of the box.
Purple - Missing data, possibly not needed to pass submission, but missing, nonetheless. This may or may not be required for you to fill in. An example of this could be the middle name is missing from the form. It would be shown in purple, but you most likely won't need to fill it in to pass submission. Yellow - This is usually a metric. The application will notify you of what the usual range is. Yellow doesn't mean you will fail submission; it just alerts you to double-check that specific line item to make sure it is correct. Red - This is mandatory to fill in, in order to pass submission. Make sure there are no red items when viewing the data completeness check.


Yes, AKI (CathPCI v5 - Metric 39 Report) – matches NCDR criteria for Numerator & Denominator – and should provide results matching NCDR Reports.
Click on the title of the report and then select the "copy report template" button near the bottom. (See the Copying Flash Report and Creating Report Bundles training video for more details).
Risk-Adjusted metrics (from NCDR) – are implemented in Cento as standard reports without the Risk-Adjusted part. However, the Numerator & Denominator should match with NCDR’s reports – as they are based on specs from their Companion Guide.
Yes, and this will require an ad hoc report – as it’s not part of any of NCDR Metric Reports. We can help build this report – please contact us!
We are currently updating all the training materials. Thank you for your patience.
We already have 15 CPMI v3 Metric Reports. Please download them, if you don’t see them. We have 5 more reports coming soon.
Dashboards are created by the individual user and are therefore custom to your credentials. You can create your own. Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner. Then under user settings you can create your dashboard.
No, not for TAVR. STS Adult Cardiac does have O/E ratios, however.
Yes, this is one of the standard reports that we supply.
If the data is entered into EPIC, we can bring this data over using the EPIC API. However, your EPIC fields must be discreet data elements and not fill in the blanks. Any data coming over from EPIC is validated before entering our database so nothing will come over that does not pass STS validation. It will be up to the data abstractor to check the data for accuracy and completion.
Be sure to add all relevant reports on the Manage flash reports page. With the correct permissions, you can do this by selecting the Administration tab on the homepage, selecting Manage Flash Reports under the Flash Reports section, then by checking all the report tags you desire. Be sure to select "Click Here To Download Flash Reports" when done.
You can go to a patient's chart directly from Cento by selecting the edit icon when viewing a report. (Press play in the middle of the image to see how this is done)

Cedaron University

Cedaron University allows you to change your avatar/profile picture, but it is very specific with the pictures it will accept. Pictures uploaded should be in Jpg format with 26 KB with 767 by 283 pixels, 12KB with 400 by 400 pixels, or 1MB with 2560 by 2082 pixels. If none of these options work for you, try to upload a different picture.
Only group leaders have access to schedule a group training. Group leaders are selected at the time of implementation.
We are continuously adding new training videos, documents, and snippets for your convenience. If you don't see anything regarding your question, please email or with your concerns, and we will update CedaronU.